Descargar pdfSensor assembly and static testing in apple trees
On 11/04/2024, we have mounted several low cost fotonic sensos and tested them in an apple tree plantation located in the experimental fields of ETSEAFIV (University of Lleida). The tested sensors were: (1) Livox Mid-360 LiDAR sensor, (2) Livox Mid-70 LiDAR sensor, (3) Intel RealSense 455f, (4) Stereoloabs ZED X Mini Stereo Camera and (5) Microsoft Azure Kinect DK.
Starting of data acquisition in young apple trees (Gimenells, Lleida)
On 03/04/2024, we have begun data acquisition in a young apple tree plantation in the experimental farm of IRTA (collaborator of the DIGIFRUIT project) located in Gimenells (Lleida). This plot corresponds to a nutrition and irrigation dose trial in which we will be able to monitor the different vegetative growth and test the low-cost sensors that we are selecting and testing.
Static tests of photonic sensors in apple orchards
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