Welcome to the Digital Repository of Precision Agriculture of the GRAP!
The concept of Precision Agriculture (AP) began to be used in the 80s of the last century. Since then, techniques and technologies have been developed and adapted with the intention of improving the efficiency in the use of agricultural resources and being more respectful of the environment. It was not until 2010 that the International Society on Precision Agriculture - ISPA was created and it was not until 2019 that an official definition of what AP is was established:
Precision Agriculture is a management strategy that collects, processes and analyzes temporal, spatial and individual data and combines it with other information to support management decisions according to the estimated variability in order to improve the efficiency of use of resources, productivity, quality, profitability and sustainability of agricultural production.
The aim of this repository is to make informative materials related to AP available to farmers and technical staff in order to facilitate the transition towards Precision Agriculture in Catalonia. This is done through the pages of this website and through the open repository of the Universitat de Lleida (Repositori Obert de la Universitat de Lleida) where all the documents are stored in pdf format. Currently, the repository is only in Catalan as it was funded by the Catalan Government. As soon as possible it will be translated into English and Castillian (Spanish).
The materials will be divided into 5 blocks: basic concepts, data acquisition, information extraction, decision-making and action in the field, following the cycle of Precision Agriculture and the processes that derive from its definition. At the moment, the materials are only available in Catalan, given that the funding came from the government of Catalonia. As soon as we can, we will translate them into Spanish and English.
Browsing through the repository you will find 4 types of documents:

Basics of the AP: these are basic training documents that aim to convey the conceptual bases of the AP to all those who have not received them.
Technical sheets: they are descriptive sheets of specific technologies or techniques to be able to understand them easily.
Tutorials: they are either practical guides or multimedia materials for carrying out specific processes or operations.
Practical applications: these are studies and practical cases of success that serve to analyze specific cases that can serve as a reference.
This Precision Agriculture Digital Repository has been financed through the 01.02.01 Technology Transfer operation of the Rural Development Program of Catalonia 2014-2020.