Visiting researchers
The GRAP is proud to have hosted the following researchers:
Visitor | Description | Period |
Dr. Fernando Auat Cheein |
Fernando Auat Cheein is an assistant professor with Federico Santa Maria Technical University, Valparaiso, Chile, and Principal Investigator of the Advanced Center of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. His main research interests include: agricultural robotics, SLAM and mechatronic systems. More information at |
January 2018- March 2018 |
Dr. Bruno Tisseyre |
Bruno Tissey is professor at Montpellier SupAgro (France) and is teaching and researching at the Mixed Unit UMR ITAP - Information et technologies pour les agro-procédés. Specialist in the field of precision viticulture, participated in several national and European projects such as fusion research and extrapolation of spatial data characterizing the variability in viticulture and evaluating the opportunity of handling differentiated in terms of plot. During the first week of March 2017 he visited the GRAP through an international program funded by the 'La Caixa'. |
March 2017 |
Dr. Fernando Auat Cheein |
Fernando Auat Cheein is an assistant professor with Federico Santa Maria Technical University, Valparaiso, Chile, and Principal Investigator of the Advanced Center of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. His main research interests include: agricultural robotics, SLAM and mechatronic systems. More information at |
January 2017- March 2017 |
Eng.Francisco Yandún |
My name is Francisco Yandun Narvaéz, I am an Electronics and Control Engineer of the Escuela Politécnica Nacional, located in Quito, Ecuador. At present, I am studying for a PhD degree at Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, located in Valparaíso, Chile; under the direction of Professor Fernando Auat Cheein. Mi research is related with the use of sensors in order to characterize agricultural environments (i.e. estimate indicators of the crop status and analysing the site in order to provide information which would improve the navigation and manoeuvrability of service units). During the stay in Lleida I will be working in detection and classification of fruits in orchards using RGB, IR and depth data acquired from a Kinect V2. Additionally, I am looking forward to learn a lot about the expertise of the group in Precision Agriculture technologies. |
January 2016- March 2016 |
Ag. André Freitas Colaço |
The GRAP hosted André F. Colaço as a visitor PhD student for a period of four months. André is an agronomist and is currently fulfilling his PhD at the University of São Paulo, Brazil at the Byosistems Engineering Program. His research topic regards the use of LiDAR sensor to improve precision agriculture management in citrus groves. Orange crops cover extense areas in São Paulo and precision agriculture techniques is starting to take place in the management practices by growers. Since LiDAR is a new topic to his research group in Brazil, he came to the University of Lleida to exchange experience about the technology. This is his second visit to the UdL since the stablishment of this partnership with GRAP. His Ph.D. dissertation is codirected by prof. José Paulo Moulin and Alexandre Escolà from the GRAP. For more information about the Precision Agriculture Laboratory in Brazil visit |
December 2015- March 2016 |
Ag. André Freitas Colaço |
This was the first visit of André F. Colaço, an agronomist from the University of São Paulo, Brazil. During this visit the basis of a partnership between the Laboratorio de Agricultura de Precisão de la Universidad de São Paulo, Brasil, and the GRAP were settled. |
February 2014 |
Dr. Fernando Auat Cheein |
Fernando Auat Cheein is an assistant professor with Federico Santa Maria Technical University, Valparaiso, Chile, and Principal Investigator of the Advanced Center of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. His main research interests include: agricultural robotics, SLAM and mechatronic systems. More information at |
February 2014 |