Millora de la gestió de la capçada i del reg en plantacions tofoneres mitjançant la digitalització i el monitoratge 3D de les explotacions per a incrementar l’eficiència productiva i la sostenibilitat
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This project aims to transfer Precision Agriculture techniques to the Catalan black truffle production sector. The objective is to improve the production processes of tuber cultivation through the digitalization of farms and the generation of information for management decision-making to increase their productivity, the efficiency of use of resources such as irrigation water and their sustainability. Proximal and remote sensing systems will be used to characterize trees and soil and GNSS receivers to georeference the harvested truffles. Data collection and spatiotemporal analysis will be systematized to obtain relationships between production and management of the crown (pruning), irrigation and soil work to transfer to the sector. The improvement of the black truffle production process is aligned with the Strategic Plan for the truffle sector in Catalonia, of the DARP. The activity is a collaboration between the CERCA Agrotecnio centers and the Center for Forest Science and Technology of Catalonia. The first provides knowledge and equipment for Precision Agriculture and the second for tuber cultivation, in addition to its demonstration fields.
To demonstrate that the digitalization of truffle farms through georeferencing data in geographic information systems and terrestrial and remote monitoring of trees can contribute to optimizing their management, increasing their productive efficiency and sustainability and, therefore, increasing their competitiveness.
This project is a collaboration between the CERCA center Agrotecnio and the Centre de Ciència i Tecnologia Forestal de Catalunya.
Activitat cofinançada per la UE a través de la intervenció 7201
del Pla estratègic de la PAC 2023-2027