AgLiMatch dataset

The agricultural LiDAR data to evaluate scan matching techniques (AgLiMatch dataset) is comprised of a set of Velodyne VLP-16 LiDAR captures and the corresponding GNSS-RTK tracks acquired in a Fuji apple orchard using an autonomous platform. This dataset was used in [1] to evaluate scan matching techniques by comparing the platform path calculated using LiDAR scan matching techniques and the actual platform path ground truth measured with a GNSS-RTK system.

The correspondence between each LiDAR file (inside /velodyne_data folder) and GNSS track file (inside /GNSS_data folder) is detailed in “Velodyne-GNSS_correspondence-data.xlsx” file.

The relative position between the LiDAR sensor and the GNSS rover is shown in “experimental_setup.png”. Distance units are in mm.

Find more information about the scanning conditions in [1].


Figure 1. Platform used for the data acquisition, showing the LiDAR - GNSS antena offset.


The dataset can be downloaded from the following link: AgLiMatch dataset (2.5 Gb)


This dataset is available only for research and educational purpose and not for any commercial use. If you use the dataset in any publications or reports, you should refer the following papers:

[1] Guevara J., Gené-Mola J., Gregorio E., Torres-Torriti M., Reina G. and Auat Chain F.A. 2021. A comparison of 3D scan matching techniques for autonomous robot navigation in urban and agricultural environments. (Submitted)