Editorial boards
Several members of the GRAP are members of editorial boards or were guest editors in the following scientific and technical journals:
Scientific journals
Precision agriculture - Springer
Impact factor: 3.356 / Position: Q1 in the category AGRICULTURE MULTIDISCIPLINARY (JCR 2018)
Editorial board
Remote sensing - MDPI
Impact factor: 4.118 / Position: Q1 in the category REMOTE SENSING (JCR 2018)
Editorial board
Sensors - MDPI
Impact factor: 3.031 / Position: Q1 in the category INSTRUMENTS & INSTRUMENTATION (JCR 2018)
Editorial board
Special Issue "Terrestrial Laser Scanning"
Agriculuture - MDPI
Impact factor: 2.040 (SCOPUS 2018)
Editorial board
Special issue "Precision Agriculture"
Agronomy - MDPI
Impact factor: 2.259 / Position: Q1 in the category AGRONOMY (JCR 2018)
Special issue "Smart Decision-Making Systems for Precision Agriculture"
Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research - INIA
Impact factor: 1.035 / Position: Q2 in the category AGRICULTURE MULTIDISCIPLINARY (JCR 2018)
Editorial board