Participació en congressos


Manejo de malas hierbas en viñedo mediante cubiertas vegetales y acolchados orgánicos
Recasens, J,; Guiu, À.; Barranco-Elena, D.; Moragas, P. Llorens, J.; Escolà, A.; Baraibar, B. 2024
IV Simpósio Nacional de Herbologia, SEMh. Sociedad Española de Malherbologia. XIX Congreso. Beja, 17-19 abril 2024.

Metrological assessment of RGB-D cameras for 3D orchard reconstruction
Lanza, Bernardo; Felip-Pomés, Marc; Gené-Mola, Jordi; Nuzzi, Cristina; Sanz-Cortiella, Ricardo; Pasinetti, Simone; Plata-Moreno, José M; Martínez-Casasnovas,  José A; Escolà,  Alexandre; Lordan,  Jaume, Gregorio López, Eduard. 2024
2024 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Agriculture and Forestry (MetroAgriFor). Padova, Italia, 29-31 octubre 2024.


Video-Based Fruit Detection and Tracking for Apple Counting and Mapping
Gené-Mola, J.; Felip-Pomés, M.; Net-Barnés, F.; Morros, J.R.; Miranda J.C.; Arnó, J.; Asín, L.; Lordan, J.; Ruiz-Hidalgo, J.; Gregorio, E. 2023.
2023 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Agriculture and Forestry (MetroAgriFor). Pisa, Italia, 6-8 Novembre 2023.

Amodal segmentation for on-tree apple fruit size estimation with RGB-D images
Gené-Mola, J.; Ferrer-Ferrer, M.; Gregoria, E.; Blok, P.M.; Hemming, J.; Morros, J.R.; Rosell-Polo, J.R.; Vilaplana, V.; Ruiz-Hidalgo, J. 2023.
10th Annual Catalan Meeting on Computer Vision - ACMCV'2023. Bellaterra. 19th September 2023.

A new leafness-LiDAR index to estimate light interception in intensive olive orchads
Sandonís-Pozo, L; Martínez-Casasnovas, J.A; Escolà, A; Rosell-Polo, J.R; Rufat, J; Pascual, M. 2023.
14th European Conference on Precision Agriculture - ECPA'23. Bologna, Italia. 2-6 juliol 2023.

How can precision agriculture prescription maps contribute to the 50% pesticide reduction goal of the farm-to-fork strategy in viticulture
Llorens, J; Román, C; Escolà, A; Gené-Mola, J; Arnó, J; Martínez-Casasnovas, J.A. 2023.
14th European Conference on Precision Agriculture - ECPA'23. Bologna, Italia. 2-6 juliol 2023.

Adoption of precision agriculture across Europe: a case study on remote sensing
Pavlenko, T; Pichon, L; Escolà, A; Griepentrog, H.W; Marinello, E; Martínez-Casasnovas, J.A; Masià, J; Milics, G; Paraforos, D.S; Pelissier, M; Matecny, I; Taylor, J; Tisseyre, B. 2023.
14th European Conference on Precision Agriculture - ECPA'23. Bologna, Italia. 2-6 juliol 2023.

UAV photogrammetry vs mobile terrestrial laser scanning for woody crops characterization
Torres-Sánchez, J; Escolà, A; de Castro, A.I; López-Granados, E; Rosell, J.R; Jiménez-Brenes, E.M; Sanz, R; Gregorio, E; Sebé, E; Peña, J.M. 2023.
14th European Conference on Precision Agriculture - ECPA'23. Bologna, Italia. 2-6 juliol 2023.

Implementation of variable rate of inputs in winter crops under rainfed condition
Videgain, M; Martínez-Casasnovas, J.A; Vigo, A; Vidal, M; García-Ramos, F.J. 2023.
14th European Conference on Precision Agriculture - ECPA'23. Bologna, Italia. 2-6 juliol 2023.

Uncertainty analysis of a LiDAR-based MTLS point cloud using a high-resolution ground-truth
Lavaquiol, B; Llorens, J; Sanz, R; Arnó, J; Escolà, A. 2023.
14th European Conference on Precision Agriculture - ECPA'23. Bologna, Italia. 2-6 juliol 2023.

Low-cost terrestrial photogrammetry for orchard sidewards 3D reconstruction
Martínez-Casasnovas, J.A; Rosell-Tarragó, M; Rosell-Polo, J.R; Sanz, R; Gregorio, E; Gené-Mola, J; Llorens, J; Arnó, J; Plata, J.M; Escolà, A. 2023.
14th European Conference on Precision Agriculture - ECPA'23. Bologna, Italia. 2-6 juliol 2023.


Manejo de malas hierbas bajo la línea del viñedo mediante acolchados orgánicos y su efecto sobre el vigor del cultivo
Cabrera-Pérez, C; Llorens, J; Escolà, A; Royo-Esnal, A; Recasens, J. 2022.
IV Jornadas del Grupo de Viticultura - SECH. Pamplona/Iruña. 26-28 octubre 2022.

Apple size estimation using photogrammetry-derived 3D point clouds
Gené-Mola, J.; Sanz-Cortiella, R.; Rosell-Polo, J.R.; Escolà, A.; Gregorio, E. 2022
9th Annual Catalan Meeting on Computer Vision - ACMCV'2022. Barcelona, UAB, 19th September 2022

Monitoreo de plantaciones frutales mediante sensores de base fotónica
Gregorio, E. 2022.
Conferència Plenària en el XXIX Seminario Anual de Automática, Electrónica Industrial e Instrumentación (SAAEI 22). Lleida. 6-8 July 2022.

PlanetScope Vegetation Indices to Estimate UAV and LiDAR-derived Canopy Parameters in a Super-Intensive Almond Orchard
Sandonís-Pozo, L.; Plata-Moreno, J.M.; Llorens, J.; Escolà, A.; Pascual Roca, M.; Martínez-Casasnovas, J.A. 2022.
14th International Symposium FRUTIC'2023. València. 29th June - 1st July 2022.

Manejo de cubiertas vegetales en viñedo para el control de malas hierbas.    Balance entre vigor y sostenibilidad
Recasens, J; Cabrera-Pérez, C; Llorens, J; Rincón, S; Escolà, A. 2022.
XVIII Congreso Sociedad Española de Malherbología. Mérida. 26-29 April 2022.


Eficiencia en el uso de insumos agrícolas
Escolà, A. 2021.
Foro para el Impulso de la Transformación Digital en el Sector Agroalimentario - DATAGRI 2021. Lleida. 25-26 November 2021.

Escáner láser terrestre portátil, Cámaras RGB-D y Sistemas GNSS para georeferenciar los datos
Escolà, A. 2021.
Foro para el Impulso de la Transformación Digital en el Sector Agroalimentario - DATAGRI 2021. Lleida. 25-26 November 2021.

Estimation of geometric and structural parameters in a super-intensive almond (Prunins dulcis) orchard from multispectral vegetation indices derived from UAV-based imagery
Llorens, J.; Escolà, A.; Casañas, E.; Rosell-Polo, J.R.; Arnó, J.; Martínez-Casasnovas, J.A. 2021.
13th European Conference on Precision Agriculture - ECPA'21. Budapest, Hungary, 19-22 July 2021.

Multi-beam LiDAR-derived data analysis for optimal canopy 3D monitoring in super-intensive almond (Prunus dulcis) orchards
Llorens, J.; Alsina, A.; Arnó, J.; Martínez-Casasnovas, J.A.; Escolà, A. 2021.
13th European Conference on Precision Agriculture - ECPA'21. Budapest, Hungary, 19-22 July 2021.

NDVI from satellite images to estimate LiDAR-derived geometric and structural parameters in super-intensive almond orchards
Martínez-Casasnovas, J.A.; Llorens, J.; Sandonís, L.; Escolà, A.; Arnó, J. 2021.
13th European Conference on Precision Agriculture - ECPA'21. Budapest, Hungary, 19-22 July 2021.


Fruit detection and 3D location using instance segmentation neural networks and structure-from-motion photogrammetry
Gené-Mola, J.; Sanz-Cortiella, R.; Rosell-Polo, J.R.; Morros, J.R.; Ruiz-Hidalgo, J.; Vilaplana, V.; Gregorio, E. 2020
7th Annual Catalan Meeting on Computer Vision - ACMCV'2020. Online, 22nd September 2020. icona_web icona_web


Use of Modern Technologies in the Management of Agricultural Projects
Escolà, A. 2019
Smart agriculture, creativity and food security. Qassim, Saudi Arabia. 3-5 November 2019

Sistema LiDAR para evaluar la deriva. Medidas con diferentes tipos y calibres de boquilla
Gregorio, E.; Torrent, X.; Planas, S.; Rosell-Polo, J.R. 2019
Proceedings of the 10th Iberian Agroengineering Congress. Huesca (Espanya).
pp. 1055-1060. ISBN: 978-84-16723-79-9. DOI: 10.26754/

Uso de redes neuronales convolucionales para la detección remota de frutos con cámaras RGB-D
Gené-Mola, J.; Vilaplana, V.; Rosell-Polo, J.R.; Morros, J.R.; Ruiz-Hidalgo, J.; Gregorio, E. 2019
Proceedings of the 10th Iberian Agroengineering Congress. Huesca (Espanya).
pp. 1081-1087. ISBN: 978-84-16723-79-9. DOI: 10.26754/

Direct and indirect methods for spray drift assessment in apple orchards
Torrent, X., Gregorio, E., Douzals, J.P., Rosell-Polo, J.R., Planas, S., 2019.
SuproFruit 2019. 15th Workshop on Spray application techniques in fruit growing. East Malling (United Kingdom).
Book of abstracts pp.83-84. Suprofruit 2019.

Sentinel-2 vegetation indices and apparent electrical conductivity to predic barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) yield
Martínez-Casasnovas, J.A.; Uribeetxebarría, A.; Escolà, A.; Arnó, J. 
Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Precision Agriculture - ECPA 2019
July 8-11, Montpellier, France (FRA) ISBN 978-90-8686-337-2

Yield prediction using mobile terrestrial laser scanning
Gené-Mola, J; Gregorio, E.; Llorens, J.; Sanz-Cortiella, R.; Escolà, A.; Rosell-Polo, J.R.
Poster Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Precision Agriculture - ECPA 2019
July 8-11, Montpellier, France (FRA) ISBN 978-2-900792-49-0

R software to process and extract information from 3D Lidar point cloud
Llorens, J.; Cabrera, C.; Escolà, A.; Arnó J.
Poster Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Precision Agriculture - ECPA 2019
July 8-11, Montpellier, France (FRA) ISBN 978-2-900792-49-0

Challenges and opportunities of 3D data in Agriculture icona_web
Escolà, A.
Keynote presentation at the 12th European Conference on Precision Agriculture - ECPA 2019
July 8-11, Montpellier, France (FRA)


Fruit detection using Mobile Terrestrial Laser Scanning
Gené-Mola, J.; Gregorio, E.; Guevara, J.; Auat, F.; Escolà, A.; Morros, J.R.; Rosell-Polo, J.R.;
EurAgEng 2018 conference. Wageningen (NL).

First-portalbe eye-safe LiDAR system for the measurement of agricultural aerosols
Gregorio, E.; Sanz, R.; Rosell-Polo, J.R.;
6th Iberian Meeting on Aerosol Science and Technology (RICTA). Bilbao (ESP).


Combined use of remote sensing and soil sensors to detect variability in orchards with previous changes in land use and landforms: consequences for management
Martínez-Casasnovas, J.A.; Daniele, E.; Uribeetxebarría, A.; Escolà, A.; Rosell-Polo, J.R.; Sartori, L.; Arnó, J.
11th European Conference on Precision Agriculture - ECPA 2017. Edinburgh (UK).

Comparing efficiency of different sampling schemes to estimate yield and quality parameters in fruit orchards
Arnó, J.; Martínez-Casasnovas, J.A.; Uribeetxebarría, A.; Escolà, A.; Rosell-Polo, J.R.
11th European Conference on Precision Agriculture - ECPA 2017. Edinburgh (UK).

Using Sentinel-2 images to implement Precision Agriculture techniques in large arable fields. First results of a case study.
Escolà, A.; Badia, N.; Arnó, J.; Martínez-Casasnovas, J.A.
11th European Conference on Precision Agriculture - ECPA 2017. Edinburgh (UK).

Orange tree canopy volume estimation by manual and LiDAR-based methods
Colaço, A.F.; Trevisan, R.G.; Molin J.P.; Rosell-Polo, J.R.; Escolà, A.
11th European Conference on Precision Agriculture - ECPA 2017. Edinburgh (UK).

Application of the Kinect sensor for three dimensional characterization of vine canopy
Marinello, F.; Pezzuolo, A.; Meggio, F.; Martínez-Casasnovas, J.A.; Yezekyan, T.; Sartori, L.
11th European Conference on Precision Agriculture - ECPA 2017. Edinburgh (UK).

Expedited generation of terrain digital classes in flat areas from UAV images for precision agriculture purposes
Pineda, M. C.; Perdomo, C.; Caballero, R.; Valera, A.; Martínez-Casasnovas, J.A.; Viloria, J.
11th European Conference on Precision Agriculture - ECPA 2017. Edinburgh (UK).

Monitoreo 3D mediante sensores
Escolà A. 2017.
Encuentro Internacional Phytoma-España sobre LA VID Y EL VINO (II). Logroño, La Rioja. icona_web


Keynote: Agricultura de Precisao para culturas perenes tem sido mais proativa
Escolà, A. 2016.
Congresso Brasileiro de Agricultura de Precisao - ConBAP 2016. Goiania, Goiás (Brasil).

Classifying Agricultural Terrain for Machinery Traversability Purposes 
Yandun, F.; Gregorio, E.; Zúñiga, M.; Escolà, A.; Rosell-Polo, J.R.; Auat Cheein, F. A. 2016.
AGRICONTROL 2016: The 5th IFAC Conference on Sensing, Control and Automation for Agriculture. Seattle, Washington (USA).

Spatial variability of canopy volume in a commercial citrus grove
Colaço, A. F.; Trevisan, R. G.; Molin, J. P.; Rosell-Polo, J. R.; Escolà, A. 2016.
13th International Conference on Precision Agriculture - ICPA 2016. St. Louis, Missouri (USA).

Use of soil EC measurement for evaluating soil spatial variability and improving nitrogen efficiency in super-intensive olive oil tree orchards
Pascual, M.; Rufat, J.; Arbonés, A.; Escolà, A.; Rosell, J.R.; Martinez-Casasnovas, J.A.; Villar, J.M.; Vilarrasa, M. 2016.
19th Nitrogen Workshop. Skara (Sweden).

Lidar: Towards a new methodology for field measurement of spray drift
Gregorio E; Torrent X; Solanelles F; Sanz R; Rocadenbosch F; Masip J; Ribes-Dasi M; Planas S; Rosell-Polo JR. 2016.
International Advances in Pesticide Application (IAPA 2016). Barcelona (Spain).


Using an electrical resistivity sensor to estimate soil depth in peach orchards
Martínez-Casasnovas, J.A.; Arnó, J., Escolà, A., Rosell-Polo, J.R. 2015
Pedometrics 2015. Córdoba (España)

First measurements with a lidar system specifically designed for spray drift monitoring
Gregorio, E., Torrent, X., Solanelles, F., Sanz, R., Rocadenbosch, F., Masip, J., Ribes-Dasi, M., Planas, S., Rosell-Polo, J.R. 2015.
SuproFruit 2015. 13th Workshop on Spray application techniques in fruit growing. Lindau (Germany).
Book of abstracts pp.36-37. Suprofruit 2015.

Vegetaion indices from UAV-mounted sensors to monitor the development of maize (Zea mays L.) under different N rates
Martínez-Casasnovas, J.A.; Ariza-Sentís, M., Maresma, A., Martínez, E., Lloveras, J. 2015
10th European Conference on Precision Agriculture - ECPA 2015. Tel-Aviv (Israel)

A mobile terrestrial laser scanner for tree crops: point cloud generation, information extraction and validation in an intensive olive orchard
Escolà, A.; Martínez-Casasnovas, J.A.; Rufat, J.; Arbonés, A.; Sanz, R.; Sebé, F.; Arnó, J.; Masip, J.; Pascual, M.; Gregorio, E.; Ribes-Dasi, M.; Villar, J.M. and Rosell-Polo, J.R. 2015
10th European Conference on Precision Agriculture - ECPA 2015. Tel-Aviv (Israel)

Using depth cameras for biomass estimation – a multi-angle approach
Andújar, D., Escolà, A., Rosell-Polo, J.R., Ribeiro, A., San Martín, C., Fernández-Quintanilla, C. and Dorado, J. 2015
10th European Conference on Precision Agriculture - ECPA 2015. Tel-Aviv (Israel)

A lidar-based system to assess poplar biomass
Andújar, D., Escolà, A., Rosell-Polo, J.R., Sanz, R., Fernández-Quintanilla, C. and Dorado, J. 2015
10th European Conference on Precision Agriculture - ECPA 2015. Tel-Aviv (Israel)

Apparent soil electrical conductivity and NDVI to delineate management zones in fruit orchards  
Martínez-Casasnovas JA, Escolà A, Ribes-Dasi M, Arnó J, Rosell-Polo JR. 2015
8th European Congress on Regional Geoscientific Cartography and Information Systems (EUREGEO). Barcelona (E)
Geological 3D Modelling and Soils: Funtions and Threats. Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya, Barcelona, DL B16.285.2015, pp 151-152.

Human-Robot interaction in precision agriculture: sharing the workspace with service units 
Auat Cheein, F., Herrera, D., Gimenez, J., Carelli, R., Torres-Torriti, M., Rosell-Polo, J.R.,Escolà, A., Arnó, J.
2015 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT). Sevilla (E) 

3D low-cost crop modelling for better fruit crops management 
Escolà, A; Martínez-Casasnovas, JA; Rosell-Polo, JR; Arnó, J.
Global Forum for Innovations in Agriculture - GFIA 2015. Abu Dhabi (AEU) 


Obtaining and mapping relevant characteristics of olive trees canopies using a georeferenced multi-echo mobile terrestrial laser scanner (MTLS) icona_web
Escolà A., Sanz R., Martínez-Casasnovas J.A., Masip J., Sebé F., Arnó J., Gregorio E., Rufat J., Arbonés A., Ribes-Dasi M., Pascual M., Villar J.M., del Moral I., Rosell-Polo J.R. 2014.
International Conference of Agricultural Engineering AgEng 2014. Zürich (CH)

Sensing canopy characteristics in an olive orchard using a high-resolution mobile terrestrial laser scanner 
Escolà A., Rosell-Polo J.R., Sebé F., Sanz R., Masip J., Gregorio E., Arnó J., Ribes-Dasi M., Martínez-Casasnovas J.A., del Moral I., 2014.
Second International Conference on Robotics and Associated High-technologies and Equipment for Agriculture and Forestry. Madrid (E)

3D crop modelling 
Escolà A., Rosell-Polo J.R., Arnó J. 2014.
Global Forum for Innovations in Agricultura. Abu Dhabi (AEU)

Decision support system for dose adjustment of pesticides in tree crops 
Planas S. 2014.
Global Forum for Innovations in Agricultura. Abu Dhabi (AEU)

Introduction to Precision Agriculture
Escolà A., Rosell-Polo J.R., Arnó J. 2014.
Global Forum for Innovations in Agricultura. Abu Dhabi (AEU)


Discriminación suelo-planta con un sensor LIDAR dual
Andújar D., Rueda-Ayala V., Moreno H., Escolà A., Rosell-Polo JR., Dorado J., Fernández-Quintanilla C., Valero C., Gerhards R. 2013.
XIV Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Malherbología. Valencia (Spain)
XIV Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Malherbología: 55-59

Advances in pesticide dose adjustment in tree crops

Planas S., Camp F., Escolà A., Solanelles F., Sanz R., Rosell-Polo J.R. 2013.
9th European Conference on Precision Agriculture 2013. Lleida (Spain)
Precision Agriculture '13: 533-540.

Spray drift measurement using a UV lidar system
Gregorio, E., Rosell, J.R., Sanz, R., Rocadenbosch, F., Solanelles, F.,  Garcerá, C., Chueca, P., Arnó, J., Del Moral, I., Masip, J., Camp, F., Gomes, R., Escolà, A., Gràcia, F., Planas, S., Moltó, E. 2013.
SuproFruit 2013. 12th Workshop on Spray application techniques in fruit growing. Valencia (Spain).
Book of abstracts. Suprofruit 2013: 8-10.

Comparing standardized methods of potential drift assessment
Planas, S., Solanelles, F., Torrent, X., Camp, F., Gregorio, E., Rosell, J.R., 2013.
SuproFruit 2013. 12th Workshop on Spray application techniques in fruit growing. Valencia (Spain).
Book of abstracts. Suprofruit 2013: 112-115.


Electronic canopy characterization and variable rate application in Precision Fructiculture and Viticulture
Escolà A., Rosell-Polo J.R., Gil E., Sanz R., Arnó J., Del Moral I., Llorens J., Masip J., Gregorio E., Planas S. 2012.
1st International Conference on Robotics and associated High-technologies and Equipment for Agriculture (RHEA). Pisa (Italy)

Mapping the leaf area index in vineyard using a ground-based LiDAR scanner
Arnó J., Del Moral I., Escolà A., Company J., Masip J., Sanz R., Rosell J.R., Martínez-Casasnovas J.A. 2012.
11th International Conference on Precision Agriculture. Indianapolis (USA)

Weed detection and discrimination in maize fields using ultrasonic and lidar sensors
Escolà A., Andújar D., Dorado J., Fernández-Quintanilla C., Rosell-Polo JR. 2012.
International Conference of Agricultural Engineering CIGR-AgEng2012. València (ES)

Tree-Scanner system with RTK-GPS, LiDAR data and IMU
Del-Moral-Martínez I., Rosell-Polo JR., Escolà A., Masip-Vilalta J., Sanz-Cortiella R., Arnó J. 2012.
International Conference of Agricultural Engineering CIGR-AgEng2012. València (ES)

DOSAFRUT, Pesticide dose adjustment system in intensive fruit orchards
Planas S., Camp F., Solanelles F., Escolà A., Sanz-Cortiella R., Rosell-Polo JR. 2012.
International Conference of Agricultural Engineering CIGR-AgEng2012. València (ES)  


Airborne spray drift measurement using passive collectors and lidar systems 
Gregorio, E., Solanelles, F., Rocadenbosch, F., Rosell, J.R., Sanz, R. 2011.
SPIE. Praga (República Txeca)
Proc. SPIE 8174, 81741I. DOI: 10.1117/12.903723

Validation of DOSAFRUT, pesticide dose adjustment system in intensive fruit orchards
Planas, S., Camp, F., Solanelles, F., Sanz, R., Escolà, A., Rosell, J.R. 2011.
SuproFruit 2011. Spray application techniques in fruit growing. Bergerac (FRANCE)
Book Of Abstracts. SuproFruit 2011: 86-87. 


Electronic canopy characterization and real-time dosing of plant protection products in precision fructiculture/horticulture. The PULVEXACT and OPTIDOSA projects
Escolà, A., Rosell, J.R., Sanz, R., Gil, E., Moltó, E., Planas, S. 2010.
3rd Conference on Precision Crop Protection. Bonn (Germany).
Book of Abstracts.

Electronic canopy characterization and real-time variable application in precision orchard spraying
Planas de Martí, S., Rosell, J.R., Escolà, A., Sanz, R. 2010.
239th ACS American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition. Chemistry for and from Agriculture. San Francisco, California (UNITED STATES)
Picogram v.78 and Abstracts; Oral presentation no 246, pag:130. Cathleen J. Hapeman, Editor. USDA-ARS. 10300 Baltimore Avenue. BLDG. 007, Rm. 223a, BARC-W. Beltsville, MD 20705. (301)504-6451.

Liquid distribution of air induction and off-center nozzles used to apply agrochemicals in special condition
Viana, R.G., Rosell, J.R., Ferreira, L.R., Solanelles, F., Gracia, F. 2010.
XVIIth World Congress of the International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (CIGR. Québec City, Canada
Book Of Abstracts. p. 32. Proceedings of the CIGR XVIIth World Congress,  Paper #CSBE100076: 1-6.

Electronic canopy characterizarion and real-time variable rate dosing for crop protection in precision fructiculture: Efficiency increases and drift reduction
Escolà, A., Sanz, R., Rosell, J.R., Camp, F., Solanelles, F., Gil, E., Llorens, J., Arnó, J., Masip, J., Planas, S., Gracia, F. 2010.
XVIIth World Congress of the International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (CIGR. Québec City, Canada
Book Of Abstracts. p. 181. Proceedings of the CIGR XVIIth World Congress,  Paper #CSBE100755: 1. 

Protocolo para la zonificación intraparcelaria de la viña para vendimia selectiva a partir de imágenes multiespectrales
Martínez-Casasnovas, J.A., Agelet, J., Arnó, J., Bordes, X., Ramos, M.C. 2010.
Revista de Teledetección, 33, 47-52.


Use of a ground-based LIDAR scanner to measure leaf area and canopy structure variability of grapevines
Arnó, J., Escolà, A., Vallès, J.M., Sanz, R., Masip, J., Palacín, J., Rosell, J.R. 2009.
European Conference on Precision Agriculture. Wageningen (The Nederlands)
Proceedings: Precision Agriculture '09 . Wageningen Academic Publishers: 177-184.

Real time foliage density estimation with a lidar sensor for precision fructiculture/horticulture applications. A methodology for field validation
Escolà, A., Arnó, J., Sanz, R., Camp, F., Masip, J., Solanelles, F., Rosell, J.R., Planas, S. 2009.
Suprofruit 2009. 10th Workshop On Spray Application Techniques In Fruit Growing. Wageningen (The Nederlands)
Book Of Abstracts. Wageningen UR: 92-93.

Sensing tree canopy parameters in real time for precision fructiculture/horticulture applications: methodology set-up and first results
Escolà, A., Arnó, J., Sanz, R., Camp, F., Masip, J., Solanelles, F., Rosell, J.R., Planas, S. 2009.
7th European Conference on Precision Agriculture. Wageningen (The Nederlands)
Proceedings: Precision Agriculture '09 . Wageningen Academic Publishers: 185-191.

Analysis of the intra-field variability in vineyards for the definition of management zones by means of multi-variant analysis
Díez-Galera, Y., Martínez-Casasnovas, J.A., Rosell, J.R., Arnó, J. 2009.
Joint International Agricultural Conference 2009. JIAC 2009
Book of Abstracts. JIAC 2009 Wageningen Academic Publishers: 400.

Real-time dosing of foliar products by electronic canopy characterization and dosing decision support systems in precision fructiculture
Escolà, A., Sanz, R., Rosell, J.R., Camp, F., Solanelles, F., Gil, E., Llorens, J., Arnó, J., Masip, J., Ribes-Dasi, M., Planas, S., Gràcia, F.J., Val, L., Ortí, E., Moltó, E. 2009.
7th New Ag International Conference & Exhibition. Barcelona (Spain).

Estimación de la superfície foliar en viña mediante el uso de un escáner láser terrestre (LIDAR)
Arnó, J., Vallès, J.M., Sanz, R., Escolà, A., Masip, J., Palacín, J., Rosell, J.R. 2009.
V Congreso Nacional y II Congreso Ibérico AgroIngeniería 2009. Lugo (Spain).

Spray drift measurements in tree crops using a lidar system
Solanelles, F., Gregorio, E., Sanz, R., Rosell, J.R., Arnó, J., Planas, S., Escolà, A., Masip, J., Ribes-Dasi, M., Gràcia, F., Camp, F. 2009.
SuproFruit 2009. 10th Workshop on Spray application techniques in fruit growing. Wageningen (The Netherlands).
Book of abstracts. Suprofruit 2009. Wageningen Academic Publishers. 

Protocolo para la zonificación intraparcelaria de la viña para vendimia selectiva a partir de imágenes multiespectrales
Martínez-Casasnovas, J.A., Agelet, J., Arnó, J., Bordes, X., Ramos, M.C. 2009.
XIII Congreso de la Asociación Española de Teledetección. Calatayud, 23-26 de Septiembre de 2009, pp. 45-48.


Difficulties on Tree Volume Measurement from a Ground Laser Scanner
Palacín, J., Pallejà, T., Tresánchez, M., Teixidó, M., Sanz, R., Llorens, J., Arnó, J., Rosell, J.R. 2008.
25th IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference. Victoria, Vancouver Island (Canada).
Proceedings: 25th IEEE IIMTC 2008: 1997-2002.


Variable dose rate sprayer prototype for tree crops based on sensor measured canopy characteristics
Escolà, A., Camp, F., Solanelles, F., Llorens, J., Planas, S., Rosell, J.R., Gràcia, F., Gil, E. 2007.
6th European Conference on Precision Agriculture. Skiathos (Greece).
Proceedings: Precision Agriculture '07.Wageningen Academic Publishers: 563-572.

Determinació de paràmetres vegetatius amb un sistema Lidar terrestre, a partir de la generació de models tridimensionals d’arbres fruiters
Llorens, J., Rosell, J.R., Sanz, R., Escolà, A., Palacín, J. 2007.
V Congrés ICEA. (Institució Catalana d’Estudis Agraris). Barcelona (Spain).

Ús de monitors de collita i imatges de satèl·lit en viticultura: oportunitat de la verema selectiva
Arnó, J.; Martínez-Casasnovas, J.A. ; Bordes, X. ; Rosell, J.R. 2007.
V Congrés ICEA. (Institució Catalana d’Estudis Agraris). Barcelona (Spain).


Ground laser scanner data analysis for LAI prediction in orchards and vineyards
Arnó, J., Vallès, J.M., Llorens, J., Blanco, R., Palacín, J., Sanz, R., Masip, J., Ribes-Dasi, M., Rosell, J.R. 2006.
Ageng 2006. Agricultural Engineering for a Better World. Bonn (Germany)
Book Of Abstracts. Of . Vdi Verlag: 311-312.

Real-Time Tree Foliage Estimation Using a Ground Laser Scanner
Palacín, J., Salse, J.A., Sanz, R., Ribes-Dasi, M., Masip, J., Arnó, J., Llorens, J., Vallès, J.M., Escolà, A., Massana, P., Camp, F., Solanelles, F., Rosell, J.R. 2006.
IEEE-IMTC 2006. Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference. Sorrento (ITALY) .
Proceedings of the IMTC, pp: 1227-1232.

Spray application volume test in apple and pear orchards in Catalonia (Spain) and Variable Rate Technology for dose adjustment
Escolà, A., Camp, F., Solanelles, F., Planas, S., Gràcia, F., Rosell, J.R., Gil, E., Val, L. 2006.
ASABE Annual International Meeting. Portland-Oregon (United States).

Optimizing pesticide spray application in tree crops
Planas, S., Rosell, J.R., Gil, E., Val, L., Escolà, A., Solanelles, F. 2006.
ASABE Annual International Meeting. Portland-Oregon (United States).

Ground laser scanner data analysis for Leaf Area Index (LAI) prediction in orchards and vineyards
Arnó, J., Vallès, J.M., Llorens, J., Blanco, R., Palacín, J., Sanz, R., Masip, J., Ribes-Dasi, M., Rosell, J.R. 2006.
XVI CIGR World Congress - AgEng Bonn 2006 – 64th VDI-MEG International Conference Agricultural Engineering – FAO Workshop Global Issues. Bonn (Germany).
Book of Abstracts: 311-312.


Obtaning grape yield maps and analysis of within-field variability in Raimat (Spain)
Arnó, J., Bordes, X., Ribes-Dasi, M., Blanco, R., Rosell, J.R., Esteve, J. 2005.
6th European Conference on Precision Agriculture. Upsala (Sweden).
Proceedings: Precision Agriculture '05.Wageningen Academic Publishers:899-906.

Análisis de la influencia de factores de suelo y de cultivo en la variabilidad espacial de la cosecha en viña
Arnó, J., Bordes, X., Ribes-Dasi, M., Blanco, R., Rosell, J.R., Esteve, J. 2005.
III Congreso Nacional de Agroingeniería. Leon (Spain).
Book of Abstracts: 59-594.

An electronic control system for proportional pesticide application to the canopy volume in tree crops
Solanelles, F., Escolà, A., Planas, S., Rosell, J.R., Camp, F. 2005.
5th Conference of the European Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture, food and Environment / 3rd World Congress on Computers in Agriculture and Natural Resources. Vila Real (Portugal).
Proceedings of the 5th EFITA-3rd WCCA (2005) International Conference: 236-243.

First results of a non-destructive LIDAR system for the characterization of tree crops as a support for the optimisation of pesticide treatments
Sanz, R., Llorens, J., Ribes-Dasi, M., Masip, J., Arnó, J., Vallès, J.M., Escolà, A., Massana, P., Camp, F., Palacín, J., Solanelles, F., Gil, E., Planas, S., Val, L., Rosell, J.R. 2005.
8th Workshop on Spray Application Techniques in Fruit Growing. Barcelona & Lleida (SPAIN).
Proceedings of the VIII Workshop on Spray Application Techniques in Fruit Growing: 121-127.

Idoneidad y manejo de los datos de un escáner láser (LIDAR) para la caracterización de determinados parámetros vegetativos de interés en frutales y viña
Sanz, R., Llorens, J., Arnó, J., Vallès, J.M., Escolà, A., Massana, P., Camp, F., Gil, E., Palacín, J., Masip, J., Ribes-Dasi, M., Solanelles, F., Rosell, J.R. 2005.
III Congreso Nacional de Agroingeniería. Leon (Spain).
Book of Abstracts.

8th Workshop on Spray Application Techniques in Fruit Growing. Barcelona & Lleida (SPAIN)
Gil, E., Escobar, C., Planas, S., Rosell, J.R., Val, L. 2005.
Pesticide dose adjustment in vineyard: Relationship between crop characterisation and quality of the applications.
Proceedings of the VIII Workshop on Spray Application Techniques in Fruit Growing: 29-36.

Tree canopy volume measurement with ultrasonic sensors in fruit orchards, vineyards and citrus groves
Escolà, A., Rosell, J.R., Masana, P., Planas, S., Gil, E., Val, L., Camp, F., Gracia, F., Solanelles, F., Llorens, J., Vallès, J.M. 2005.
8th Workshop on Spray Application Techniques in Fruit Growing. Barcelona & Lleida (SPAIN).
Book of Abstracts of the VIII Workshop on Spray Application Techniques in Fruit Growing


Advances in the measurement of structural characteristics of plants with a LIDAR scanner
Sanz, R., Palacín, J., Sisó, J.M., Ribes, M., Masip, J., Arnó, J., Llorens, J., Vallès, J.M., Rosell, J.R. 2004.
AgEng2004. European Society of Agricultural Engineers (EurAgEng). Leuven (Belgium).
Book of Abstracts of the AgEng 2004 Conference

La gestió de la microinformació: aplicació de fitosanitaris proporcional a les característiques de les plantacions. Utilització de sensors d'ultrasons i làser (Projecte Pulvexact)
Escolà, A., Rosell, J.R. 2004.
Jornada tècnica Innovació tecnològica, instrument de competitivitat i sostenibilitat del sector agroalimentari. Fira de Sant Miquel. Lleida (SPAIN). Conferència invitada.

Pesticide dose adjustment for spray application in tree crops. First approach.
Planas, S., Escolà, A., Gil, E., Camp, F., Rosell, J.R., Val, L. 2004.
AgEng2004. European Society of Agricultural Engineers (EurAgEng). Leuven (Belgium).
Book of Abstracts of the AgEng 2004 Conference

Pesticide dose adjustment in fruit crops in spain. First results.
Solanelles, F., Escolà, A., Camp, F., Planas, S., Gràcia, F., Rosell, J.R., Val, L., Gil, E. 2004.
Environmentally Friendly Spray Application Techniques. Research Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Pomology.Warsaw (Poland).
Book of Abstracts


Semiautomatic system for surface irrigation
Monserrat, J., Rosell, J.R., Barragán, J., Cots, Ll., Pastor, N. 2003.
Conference on improved irrigation techniques and methods: research, development and testing. Montpellier (France).
Book of Abstracts.

Dose Adjustment Project-Fruit Spraying in Spain
Solanelles, F., Rosell, J.R., Val, L. 2003.
Workshop Target Characterisation for Spraying. Silsoe (UK).
Book of Abstracts

Tree crop proportional spraying according to the vegetation volume. First results.
Escolà, A., Camp, F., Solanelles, F., Planas, S., Rosell, J.R. 2003.
VII Workshop on Spray application techniques in fruit growing. Cuneo (Italy).
Proceedings of the VII Workshop on Spray application techniques in fruit growing: 43-49.

Validación del prototipo para la aplicación de productos fitosanitarios de forma proporcional al volumen de la vegetación en cultivos arbóreos. Primeros resultados.
Escolà, A., Solanelles, F., Planas, S., Rosell, J.R., Camp, F. 2003.
2º Congreso nacional de AgroIngeniería. Sociedad Española de Agroingeniería. Córdoba (Spain).
Book of Abstracts


Algunas medidas para optimizar el consumo de energía eléctrica en el sector productivo y doméstico
Rosell, J.R. 2002.
Aula Agraria: Sistemas de Ahorro energético en la Industria Agroalimentaria. Feria de Lleida. Lleida (Spain). Conferencia invitada.

Electronic Control System for Proportional Spray Application to the Canopy Volume in Tree Crops
Escolà, A., Solanelles, F., Planas, S., Rosell, J.R. 2002.
AgEng2002. European Society of Agricultural Engineers (EurAgEng). Budapest (Hungary).
Book of Abstracts: 30-31.

Pesticide application methods: reducing contamination in fruit and vineyard orchards
Planas, S., Solanelles, F., Gràcia, F., Escolà, A., Rosell, J.R. 2002.
Stakeholders Conference on the Development of Thematic Strategy on Sustainable Use of Pesticides. Brussels (Belgium).
Book of Abstracts


Design and validation of an electronic system for proportional control of chemical spraying in tree crops according to the vegetation volume
Escolà, A., Solanelles, F., Planas, S., Rosell, J.R. 2001.
VI Workshop on Spray Application Techniques in Fruit Growing. Leuven (Belgium).
Book of Abstracts: 18

Nuevas tecnologías de aplicación de productos fitosanitarios en cultivos arbóreos
Solanelles, F., Escolà, A., Fillat, A., Rosell, J.R., Planas, S. 2001.
1r Congreso nacional de AgroIngeniería. Valencia (Spain).
Proceedings of 1r Congreso nacional de AgroIngeniería: 219-224.

Spray application efficiency of an electronic control system for proportional application to the canopy volume
Solanelles, F., Planas, S., Escolà, A., Rosell, J.R. 2001.
International advances in pesticide application. Association of Applied Biologists. Guilford (U,K.).
Book of Abstracts


Aspectes tecnològics de l'aplicació selectiva de productes fitosanitaris
Escolà, A., Rosell, J.R., Solanelles, F., Planas, S. 2000.
IV Congrés del ICEA (Institució Catalana d'Estudis Agraris). Tarragona (Spain).
Book of Abstracts

Aspectes tecnològics de l'aplicació selectiva de productes fitosanitaris
Rosell, J.R., Escolà, A., Solanelles, F., Planas, S. 2000.
V International Congress of Project Engineering. Lleida (Spain).
Book of Abstracts: 104.


Development of an electronic selective orchard spraying system based on the control of applied flow rate
Rosell, J.R., Nogués, A., Planas, S. 1996.
AgEng'96. International Conference on Agricultural Engineering. Madrid (Spain).
Book of Abstracts: 247-248.

Compuerta semiautomática para riego superficial
Pastor, R., Monserrat, J., Rosell, J.R., Barragán, J., Cots, Ll. 1996.
XIV Congreso Nacional de Riegos. Almería (Spain).
Book of Abstracts

Diseño de pulverizadores para frutales mediante control electrónico
Rosell, J.R. 1996.
Aula Agraria. Feria de Lleida. Lleida (Spain). Conferencia invitada.

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